Cá bơn cuộn lá cải cầu vồng với chanh và ôliu


Chard-Wrapped Halibut with Lemon and Olive is a delightful dish that combines the freshness of halibut with the tangy flavors of lemon and the distinct aroma of olive. Not only is it delicious, but it also meets the nutritional needs of the whole family. Let's dive into the step-by-step guide to prepare this flavorful Chard-Wrapped Halibut with Lemon and Olive.

Preparation Time: 15 minutes

Cooking Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 4 people


4 fresh halibut fillets (approximately 150-200g per fillet)

8 chard leaves

1 lemon, thinly sliced

8 olives, thinly sliced

Salt and pepper to taste


Rinse the halibut fillets and chard leaves. Squeeze the lemon to extract lemon juice.

Place each halibut fillet on a chard leaf.

Add one lemon slice and two olive slices on each halibut fillet.

Wrap the halibut tightly in the chard leaf, folding the edges of the leaf to secure it.

Repeat the process for the remaining halibut fillets.

Before baking, you can drizzle a little lemon juice over each wrapped halibut to enhance the flavors.

Next, bake the chard-wrapped halibut at 180°C (350°F) for approximately 12-15 minutes or until the fish is cooked and the chard leaves are tender.

Once cooked, arrange the chard-wrapped halibut on a serving plate and enjoy!

Flavors of the Dish:

Chard-Wrapped Halibut with Lemon and Olive offers a harmonious combination of the tanginess from the lemon, the distinct aroma of the olive, and the fresh, delicate taste of the halibut. The fish is perfectly cooked, retaining its moisture and deliciousness. The chard leaf wrapping adds an extra layer of interest and excitement to the dish. When indulging in this dish, savor each bite of the chard-wrapped halibut with the gentle tang from the lemon and the unique flavors of the olive, creating an exceptional culinary experience.

Try making this Chard-Wrapped Halibut With Lemon and Olive dish and relish the refreshing flavors and nutritional benefits it brings. You'll not only enjoy a delicious and satisfying meal but also delight your entire family.