Baked Cod with Lemon is a delicious and flavorful dish loved for its combination of the sweet taste of cod and the refreshing lemon flavor. To make this dish, we need a little skill and simple ingredients. Let's explore the detailed steps to make Baked Cod with Lemon and enjoy this delicious dish at home.

Cá tuyết nướng chanh ăn với măng tây

Preparation and Cooking Time

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Total time: 40 minutes

Servings: 2 people


4 pieces of Cod fish, about 150g each

2 fresh lemons

3 tablespoons of olive oil

2 tablespoons of fish sauce

2 tablespoons of flour

2 cloves of minced garlic

Herbs of your choice (such as basil, thyme, parsley, coriander,...)

Salt and pepper


Start by taking a baking dish and adding some olive oil to the dish. Then, place the fish pieces on the dish and rub salt and pepper on each piece of fish.

Next, prepare the lemon sauce by mixing lemon juice, olive oil, fish sauce, flour, and minced garlic. Mix well and add chopped herbs to create flavor.

Pour the lemon sauce over the fish and bake in the oven at 200°C for about 15-20 minutes or until the fish is cooked and has a light pink color.

After baking, you can serve the fish immediately or decorate it with green vegetables or chopped herbs.

Cá tuyết nướng chanh

This dish is often served with dipping sauces such as chili sauce, tomato sauce, or plum sauce. You can enjoy this Baked Cod with Lemon dish with green vegetables, baked potatoes, or any side dishes you like.